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AI News

Jocal / AI News

Not-So-Large Language Models: Good Data Overthrows the Goliath by Gennaro S Rodrigues "Those models are starting to gain traction, primarily on the back of their price performance." The innovative LLM-to-SLM method enhances the efficiency of SLMs by leveraging the detailed prompt representations encoded by LLMs. This process begins with the LLM encoding the prompt into a comprehensive representation. slm vs llm A projector then adapts this representation to the SLM’s embedding space, allowing the SLM to generate responses autoregressively. To...

Is ChatGPT about to become chat com? OpenAI drops over $15,000,000 on new domain Open AI has a new domain name for ChatGPT, and it's a good one. Not content with, the AI lab is rumored to have spent at least $15 million to secure I’d been wanting to repaint my home office for more than a year, but couldn’t choose a color, so I provided a photo of the room to the chatbots, as well as to an A.I....