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Test Your Accounting Knowledge with Free Quizzes and Practice Tests

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Test Your Accounting Knowledge with Free Quizzes and Practice Tests

accounting exercises

Note that most of these questions have accompanying solutions but some do not. Please understand that I (Michael Celender) run this site on my own, and because there are hundreds of questions that have been submitted, I have not been able to answer every single one. Because of this I have also stopped accepting new submissions. Test yourself on the income statement with this 15-minute timed multiple-choice test. I would definitely recommend to time yourself when you practice each of these exercises.

Latest Accounting Quizzes

Imagine not being stressed out while taking your test! You’ll become more efficient at answering these questions correctly, so you’ll feel calm, and confident while taking your test. A. Record journal entries for the above transactions B.

Why Practice Accounting Questions?

Note that there is no time limit to answer the questions, and you can have as many goes at answering each question as you like. A. Record journal entries for the above transactionsB. Make a “T” account for the cash account, record the entries, and balance the cash account. One thing I would recommend is to practice these accounting questions according to a set time frame. This can really help you get used to exam settings and ensure you’re not taking too long to complete each question. A related account is Supplies Expense, which appears on the income statement.

Accounting Multiple-Choice Questions

Under the accrual basis of accounting the account Supplies Expense reports the amount of supplies that were used during the time interval indicated in the heading of the income statement. Supplies that are on hand (unused) at the balance sheet date are reported in the current asset account Supplies or Supplies on Hand. The current year net income might be in the temporary revenue and expense accounts and the current year draws might be in the drawing account. However, after the financial statements for the year are prepared the current year net income and draws will be transferred to this account.

Adjusting Entries Outline

You can browse all of our Q&A by topic or search for a specific question by using the search box found at the top of each page. For the past 52 years, Harold Averkamp (CPA, MBA) hasworked as an accounting supervisor, manager, consultant, university instructor, and innovator in teaching accounting online. He is the sole author of all the materials on

accounting exercises


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  • The amount in the Insurance Expense account should report the amount of insurance expense expiring during the period indicated in the heading of the income statement.
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These quizzes are a great way to practice accounting. Answering these questions efficiently will prepare you for your tests and quizzes. Click the orange text below the quiz to view the answers. Watch the video below each practice quiz to see further explanation on how to solve these accounting practice questions. Note that the questions listed below are basic accounting questions, meaning beginner to intermediate level.

Why not try one of our accounting quizzes and test your knowledge of bookkeeping and accounting. Here is a list of full accounting questions and answers that can be found on this site, along with a brief description of each one. Please note that these are generally intermediate to advanced exercises. A current asset which indicates the cost of the insurance contract (premiums) that have been paid in advance. It represents the amount that has been paid but has not yet expired as of the balance sheet date. This is a great exercise and similar to the one just above, but covers many more types of transactions and includes a grid for you to complete (as shown here).

With 88 questions and exercises, this workbook will test you on all the accounting basics – from the basic accounting equation and journal entries to T-accounts, inventory and financial statements. Podcasts are a great way to learn for people who don’t have the time for more traditional learning. Practicing basic accounting questions is super important, it really helps one understand all the basic concepts in the subject. For this reason I’ve created this page listing quizzes and practice questions on fundamental accounting topics.

C. For each of the following accounts, indicate whether it is an Asset, Liability, Income, or Expense. If it is an asset or a liability, specify whether it is current or non-current. Our Visual Tutorials are perfect for people who get overwhelmed studying jargon-filled accounting textbooks. Follow along step-by-step and we’ll explain the most important accounting topics in a more intuitive away. The answers to these questions will be the account name.

The amount in the Supplies Expense account reports the amounts of supplies that were used during the time interval indicated in the heading of the income statement. A related account is Insurance Expense, which appears on the income statement. The amount in the Insurance Expense account should report the amount of insurance expense expiring during the period indicated in the heading of the income statement. Our Bookkeeping Video Training (13 videos) will help you build confidence as you increase your understanding of debits and credits, adjusting entries, transactions, and more. We have answered more than 1,100 of the most common accounting and bookkeeping questions.

Accounting Illustrated is made in conjunction with apps. The book combined with the cheat sheet and app resources creates a basic accounting curriculum. These materials what are commuter transit tax benefits and how do they help me now can be used in conjunction with a basic accounting class. Other users will gain value from the resources for very specific concepts that prove challenging in the classroom and workplace.

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